Child Covid Cases

As child case rates of Covid are increasing across the nation and are highest in Southern states, school mask mandates remain controversial.

Child Covid cases per 100,000 population by state

Cumulative cases for the period Jul 31 - Sep 24, 2021

Source: John Hopkins University, Census Bureau, and Education Week. Notes: Definition of a child case is age 0-19. Rate is per 100,000 population, age 0-19. *Mask mandate bans were issued in Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, and South Carolina, but were later paused, blocked, or suspended by state or federal judges.

In the week ending October 7, children accounted for 1 in 4 new Covid cases across the nation.1 9 of the 12 Southern states had among the highest pediatric Covid case rates in the nation, with 2 Southern states not reporting data on children. In fact, the 10 Southern states that do report data include 54% of pediatric Covid cases even though their share of children in the U.S. is only 32%.

Researchers found that counties without school mask requirements were more than 3 times as likely to have Covid outbreaks than those with mask requirements. Clear and direct school mask requirements were seen as critical in reducing the spread of Covid-19.3 Despite confirmed effectiveness, 5 states across the nation have enforced bans on mask mandates in schools, 2 of those being in the South.3 An entire school in Duval County, Florida closed and had to return to online learning less than one month into the start of school after more than 20% of its students and staff had been in close contact with 38 students and 2 staff members confirmed to be Covid positive.4

While children tend to avoid the worst outcomes from Covid, they can bring it home to their families, and 140,000 children have lost a parent or caregiver due to Covid since the pandemic began. Children of color are disproportionately affected, making up more than 65% of losses. Hispanic children in border states and Black children in Southeastern states are amongst those with the largest burden.5

1. “Children and COVID-19: State-Level Data Report”. American Academy of Pediatrics. October, 2021.

2. “Schools without mask mandates are more likely to have COVID-19 outbreaks, CDC finds”. Cohen. CBS News. September, 2021.

3. “Which States Ban Mask Mandates in Schools, and Which Require Masks?” Decker. EdWeek. October, 2021.

4. “Baldwin Middle-Senior High to close and shift online following COVID-19 outbreak. Bloch. USA Today. August, 2021.

5. “COVID-19 Survey Summary: October 8, 2021”. Societal Experts Action Network. October, 2021.


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